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Job search Coaching

Strategic. Targeted. Successful.

Leverage a proven 5-step process to land the job of your dreams!


Choose the whole 5-step program or just the steps you need.

Create a Targeted Job Search Plan
Gain clarity about your career goals and potential jobs, then create a targeted job search strategy and roadmap to take action and reach your goals.

Make Your Resume and LinkedIn ROAR!
Create your personal marketing campaign and communicate your value to hiring managers with a targeted resume, LinkedIn profile, and 2-minute pitch that stands out and gets noticed.

Get More Interviews
Master 4 techniques to reach hiring managers and get meetings with them, and create a strategy for managing your time, energy, and efforts to gain maximum traction and results.

Master Digital-Age Interviews

Interview with confidence and ease. Master advanced interview techniques, video interviews, and handling difficult questions. Participate in mock interviews, get feedback, and hone your skills to ace your interviews.


Influence Decision Makers and Negotiate Salary
Influence interviewers to keep the process moving forward, evaluate offers, and negotiate your ideal salary and compensation.

New Job? Rock Your First 90 Days!

Did you know that the first 90 days at a new job are the most critical to your overall success? First impressions stick -- good and bad. 

Work with Lisa to make your first 90 days a success!  And show your boss that she's a genius for hiring you!

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