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Proven, Evidence-based coaching ProcessES

No matter where you are in your career or job search, you are always on a path.


You might be stopped temporarily or the path has forks and you're not sure which one to take. But you are always on a path, and the goal on a path is to move forward.

A process is a proven success path that moves you forward step-by-step. We use processes to create forward momentum and personalize them to focus on what matters most to you. 


Depending on your personal goals, you might engage in processes that include

  • Columbia University's evidence-based coaching process, which is grounded in the science of change and human performance.

  • GetFive's 5-step method for career and job search success

  • John Mattone's Intelligent Leadership development coaching process

As you move ahead, you may also need to build capabilities to help you reach your goals faster and more successfully, in areas like:

  • Amplifying strengths and success behaviors

  • Managing saboteurs and stressors

  • Leveraging core values, interests, and purpose

  • Fostering growth and learner mindsets

  • Promoting balance and well-being

  • Growing self-awareness and resourcefulness

  • Building self-confidence and resilience

As your coach, I am your guide along your path, supporting and encouraging you to take the actions and shift the mindsets and behaviors that will move you forward to reach your destination.

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